Conference Logistics




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Breakout Session Themes

Children & young people
Family wellbeing & parenting
Service systems
Developments in policy
Family violence & abuse
Program innovation & evaluations
Out-of-home care
Families & the family law system
0800 Registration opens
Room Room 105/106
0900 Welcome to Country – Aunty Diane Kerr, Wurundjeri Tribe
Conference opening – Anne Hollonds, Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies
0930 Ministerial Address – The Hon Dr David Gillespie MP, Assistant Minister for Children and Families
1000 Keynote address: Families: What, So What, Now What?
Nora Spinks, CEO, Vanier Institute of the Family, Canada
1100 Morning tea
1130 Breakout 01 Breakout 02 Breakout 03 Breakout 04 Breakout 05 Breakout 06 Breakout 07 Breakout 08
Room Room 101 Room 103 Room 105/106 Room 107 Room 102 Room 104 Room 108 Room 110
Facilitator Jenny Renda Tasneem Chopra Ruth Weston Bruce Smyth Jen Lorains Esta Paschalidis-Chilas Kay Patterson Rebecca Armstrong
Parenting and early education

NSW reforms for outcomes


Family law and financial matters


What matters in Australian Family life education and support?


Children’s Ground: Evidencing system and service reform led by First Nations families


Cultural diversity matters: Optimising outcomes for migrant and refugee families


Elder abuse

Program evaluation snapshots
1130 From being ‘at risk’ to being ‘a risk’: Journeys into parenthood among disadvantaged young mothers
Megan Blaxland
An overview of reforms for outcomes in NSW
The Hon Pru Goward MP
Australian family property law: ‘Just and equitable’ outcomes?
Belinda Fehlberg, Lisa Sarmas
Symposium outline

Symposium outline

Evidencing systems reform with families
Jen Lorains, Felicity Hayes, Veronica Turner, Lorrayne Gorey
Innovative service responses for migrant and refugee children and families
Stephen O’Neill, Settlement Services International
Developing an Australian definition of abuse of older people
Rachel Carson, Briony Dow, Luke Gahan, Lixia Qu
Improved outcomes for families and children by linking research to practice – the final stage of the implementation of Wanslea’s Practice Framework- Continuous Quality Improvement
Pauline Dixon

1150 Choosing supplementary education: Variables that influence parents to enrol their Australian school-age children into academic programs outside of school time
Mariko Francis
Their Futures Matter
Tahn O’Brien
Effective community based, court ordered, lawyer assisted property conciliation
Andrew Bickerdike
Parenting education in Australia: A rapid evidence assessment update
Michelle Macvean
“Hub” approaches to achieving resilience in migrant and refugee families
Kenny Duke, ACCESS Community Services
Estimating the extent of elder abuse using existing national surveys
Ilan Katz
1210 Driving quality – a case study of raising the quality of early childhood services in the Northern Territory using the values chain
Susan Edwards
The NSW Practice Framework
Kate Alexander
Small claims, large battles: Rebuilding financial security for vulnerable women in the family law system
Tania Clarke
Preventing and responding to conflict and violence: A family life education perspective
Daryl Higgins
What does an authentic approach to ‘families leading the way’ really look like?
Mel Kean, Felicity Hayes, Veronica Turner, Lorrayne Gorey
Understanding the barriers to migrant women’s economic and social participation
Wendy Cisar, Spectrum
Respecting Elders – A Preventative and Treatment Strategy for Elder Abuse
Jenni Dickson
1230 A Commissioning for better outcome approach
Deidre Mulkerin
Have the financial consequences of relationship separation changed for older Australians? A comparison of two cohorts
Lixia Qu, Matthew Gray, David Stanton, David de Vaus

Ruth Weston
Denise Lacey
Ageing in refugee and migrant communities
Despina Haralambopoulos, MiCare
Kay Patterson
1250 Session reflections
1300 Lunch: poster displays and exhibition
1300 Lunchtime presentations
Room Room 103
Stories from the Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset — Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Learning Sciences Institute Australia (Australian Catholic University), and the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (Australian National University)
Room Room 104
Translating practice knowledge and expertise into qualifications for the family and community workforceJennifer StGeorge, University of Newcastle
1400 Breakout 09 Breakout 10 Breakout 11 Breakout 12 Breakout 13 Breakout 14 Breakout 15 Breakout 16
Room Room 101 Room 105/106 Room 102 Room 104 Room 103 Room 107 Room 108 Room 110
Facilitator Ruth Weston Brad Morgan Megan Carroll David Coall Diana Warren Jacqui Harvey Catherine Wade Kathryn Goldsworthy
Family law and post separation

The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health: Improving the lives of infants, children and families

Out-of-home care

Grandparents who care full time for their grandchildren


The Transition and Wellbeing Research Programme

Family wellbeing

What matters most to parents: The evidence, opportunities, and policy implications

Service design snapshots
1400 “I’m at a crossroads”: supporting families through the Family Law System with the Family Safety Navigation Model
Marie Yorston
Symposium outline

Service use and support for children in OOHC and their carers
Ilan Katz
Symposium outline

Overview of the Transition and Wellbeing Programme
Miranda Van Hooff, Stephanie Hodson
‘Weighing up the Odds’: Young men, sports and betting
Rebecca Jenkinson
Symposium outline

Using public data in designing an early childhood health service—a South Australian model
Alice Steeb

1420 What works for separated parents and caregivers making parenting arrangements in New Zealand
Megan Gollop
Aboriginal infant removals: Trends, disparities and challenges
Melissa O’Donnell, Stephanie Taplin, Rhonda Marriott
Informing future policy and service development for grandparent carers—accessibility, gaps and needs
Mark Liddiard
From military service to civilian life: The Impact of transition on ADF servicemen and servicewomen
Miranda Van Hooff
Volunteer Family Connect: Strengthening family relationships and wellbeing through social connection
Kelly Baird, Jayne Meyer Tucker, Hannah Francis
Parenting trends in a digital age: A window into what matters to parents
Julie Green, Derek McCormack
1440 The opportunity and challenge of interdisciplinary collaborative process as a dispute resolution process for families.
Jackie Jones, David Roberts
Lifelong connections for children in permanent care: What supports families to facilitate positive birth family contact?
Susan Collings, Amy Conley Wright
Western Australian grandcarer families: State-wide survey, diverse grandcarers and leadership camps
David Coall, Myra Taylor, Ruth Marquis, Francesca Robertson, Michelle Jenkins
Exploring the impact of deployment to a combat zone: The impact of combat study
Ellie Lawrence-Wood, Jess Styles
The importance of student and parent voice in driving school improvement—the evidence from New South Wales
Ian McCarthy
Perceptions of parenting: implications for policy and practice
Annette Michaux
1500 Well-being and education for children in out of home care
Michelle Townsend
Impact of transition from military to civilian life on families
Diana Smart, Loretta Poerio
The child safe journey; the role of organisations and families in upholding children’s rights
Megan Mitchell
Kim Little
1520 Session reflections
1530 Afternoon tea
Room Room 105/106
1545 Panel: Can we make the economy work better for families?
Panellists: Dr Richard Denniss, Professor Lyn Craig, Professor Janeen Baxter, Dr John Hewson AM
Facilitator: Virginia Trioli
1730 – 1930 Welcome event
0800 Registration opens
0900 Plenary session, Room 105/106
Keynote address: Protecting children: Time for a new story?
Professor Brigid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield, UK
1000 Morning tea
1030 Breakout 17 Breakout 18 Breakout 19 Breakout 20 Breakout 21 Breakout 22 Breakout 23 Breakout 24
Room Room 108 Room 101 Room 103 Room 102 Room 104 Room 107 Room 105/106 Room 110
Facilitator Meredith O’Connor
Steven Hope
Jade Purtell Marlene Krasovistky Jacqui Harvey Argiri Alisandratos Tony Pietropiccolo AM Ruth Weston Rebecca Armstrong

Mental health from pre-conception to early adolescence

Foster and kinship care

‘New age’ families: Negotiating new roles, relationships and opportunities for ‘modern families’ and avoiding the pitfalls in an older Australia

Children and family violence

Strong families, safe children: Directions in Victorian child and family services


What really matters? Rethinking how we value Australia’s children


Recognising and facilitating multiple and differing relationship priorities after separation

Program evaluation snapshots
1030 Symposium outline

A hidden group of young kinship carers: The young and ‘care-full’ research project
Meredith Kiraly
Ageing, older people and ageism – challenging assumptions about ageing and the role of older people in families and communities
Marlene Krasovitsky
Including children’s voices in an anti-violence campaign
Andrew Johnson
Re-imagining the boundaries
Kym Peake
Symposium outline

Symposium outline

The Expert Panel project: reflections and results from a national workforce capacity building initiative
Sharnee Moore

DOMINO Dataset
Tim Reddel
1050 Understanding mental health as children start school
Meredith O’Connor
Caring about carers: Findings from a national survey of foster and relative/kinship carers
Lixia Qu
Meet the grandparents, 2.0
Duncan Young
Children living with domestic and family violence: A differential response through multi-agency collaboration
Cathy Humphreys
Child and family services reforms in Victoria
Argiri Alisandratos
National policy on child safety and wellbeing: Where have we been? Where should we be going?
Brian Babington
Children’s experiences of ‘home’ after parental separation.
Belinda Fehlberg, Bruce Smyth
1110 Mental health competence at age 11 and its assoication with health behaviour at age 14: Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Steven Hope
Family violence in kinship care in Victoria
Rachel Breman, Ann MacRae
On for young and old
Renata Singer
Addressing filicide in Australia: Research and action
Thea Brown
Transitioning Aboriginal children to Aboriginal community controlled organisations
Raylene Harradine, Muriel Bamblett, Karen Heap and Beth Allen
Essentials for Childhood: Where prevention of child-abuse is an essential element
Daryl Higgins
What do we stand to gain by recognising post-separation losses?
Vivienne Elizabeth
1130 Emotional behaviour difficulties across childhood and mental health service use: Findings from a longitudinal Australian population based study
Melissa Mulraney
kContact—improving contact between children in OOHC and their parents: Carers’ account of contact
Stephanie Taplin
Is that ageist?
Emma Dawson
Building our understandings of children’s lived experiences of domestic and family violence
Debbie Noble-Carr, Morag McArthur, Tim Moore
Beyond 18: Young people leaving care outcomes study
Stewart Muir, Meredith Jones, Eleanor Williams
The discursive power of the law: Its influence on professional and litigant decision-making and post-separation parenting arrangements in family law.
Zoe Rathus

Lawrie Moloney
1150 Session reflections
1200 Lunch: poster displays and exhibition
1200 Lunchtime presentations
Room Room 103
What matters to parents with problematic substance use and their children?Anne Tidyman, Odyssey House
Room Room 104
Who’s got the box lid? Putting the puzzle of independent oversight together to effectively monitor services for children and young peopleTrish Heath, WA Commissioner for Children and Young People
1300 Breakout 25 Breakout 26 Breakout 27 Breakout 28 Breakout 29 Breakout 30 Breakout 31 Breakout 32
Room Room 108 Room 102 Room 101 Room 103 Room 105/106 Room 104 Room 107 Room 110
Facilitator Jenny Baxter Edward Dunstan Ruth Weston Chris Vanstone Jade Purtell Sharnee Moore Jess Dunstan Kirsty Nowlan
Families and the economy Carers Housing and living arrangements

Interrupting disadvantage and creating cycles of opportunity:
How co-design and evidence inform innovation

Leaving care Family law processes within the courts Young people and wellbeing

National child and family wellbeing targets — being accountable for what matters for children and families

1300 Fifty years of changing families: Implications for income support
Matthew Gray
Future matters: Ageing parent carers, adult siblings and succession planning
Zoi Triandafilidis, Tom Hinton, Lorraine Villaret, Freya Saich, Sarah Judd-Lam
My home is where my family lives: the changing nature of children’s housing in the 21st century
Wendy Stone
Symposium outline

Vita Maiorano,
Lauren Weinstein, Chris Vanstone, Alfie Bamblett, Jade Carey, Nicole Seddon
Storying relationships and self: how family, friends, and caseworkers matter in out-of-home care
kylie valentine
How de facto do you need to be? Analysing the Family Court’s determinations on whether a relationship is ‘de facto’ under the Family Law Act
Michelle Fernando
A multi-level public health approach to empower parents for youth mental health
Marie Yap
Workshop outline

Measurement and accountability for child wellbeing outcomes in Australia: Preliminary issues paper for improving indicators of child wellbeing in Australia
Peter Walsh

Louise York
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Kate Sollis
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)
Stella Conroy
Families Australia
Tahn O’Brien
Their Futures Matter
1320 The effect of changing financial incentives on repartnering
Hayley Fisher
The grandparenting paradox: Can you have too much of a good thing?
David Coall, Sonja Hilbrand, Myra Taylor, Ruth Marquis, Jenni Werner, Denis Gerstorf, Ralph Hertwig
Home is where the heart is
Philippa Forge
A case study of policy failure: Young people transitioning from out of home care in Victoria
Phillip Mendes
Exploring gendered trauma within family law
Rachael Fernald
The role of families in youth mental healthcare: Findings from the headspace evaluation
Fiona Hilferty, Ilan Katz
1340 The impact of non-standard employment on relationship stability. A comparison of cohabiting unions and marriages
Inga Lass
What matters most to families of older people in consumer directed care: Literature review
Anne Muldowney
Living the high life? Parents’ experiences of raising children in new high density housing developments in Melbourne
Fiona Andrews, Elyse Warner, Belinda Robson
Simple social welfare reform to foster social and economic wellbeing for the most vulnerable
Paul McDonald
Self-representation in family law matters where there are allegations of violence from the perspectives of Independent Children’s Lawyers
Miranda Kaye
Children’s residence after separation and parents’ reports of their child’s progress at school: Do children’s living arrangements matter?
Alex Masardo
1400 Policy versus economic impacts: The economic position of Australian single parents post the GFC
Matthew Gray
Young carers: the influence of informal caring on cognitive and social outcomes
Diana Warren
“Take it as it comes”: How Australian families make the return to co-residence work
Elyse Warner
When family history is more than a hobby: improving the well-being of Care Leavers through genealogical research and narrative practice
Cate O’Neill
Direct cross-examination in family law matters – A new approach?
Rachel Carson
Examining effects of family factors on youth delinquency: Mediation of protective factors
Xuexin Xu
Kala Ruby
1420 Session reflections
1430 Afternoon tea
Launch of ‘Fairy godparents and fake kin’ – Kinship care research report, Meredith Kiraly
Launched by Victorian Children’s Commissioner, Liana Buchanan and Cathy Humphreys

Sponsored by Berry Street
Room Room 105/106
1500 – 1700 Panel: System reform: Is it dead?
Panellists: Professor Brigid Featherstone, Adjunct Professor Muriel Bamblett AM, Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM, Dr Nicholas Gruen
Facilitator: Madonna King

0925Session changeover

0800 Registration opens
Room Room 106 Room 105
Facilitator Madonna King Anne Hollonds
Review of the family law system: Issues and opportunitiesProfessor Helen Rhoades Nudges uncovered: Can behavioural insights contribute to our understanding of “What matters most to families in the 21st century”?
Dr David Halpern, Dr Nicholas Gruen, Sam Hannah-Rankin
0930 Breakout 33 Breakout 34 Breakout 35 Breakout 36 Breakout 37 Breakout 38 Breakout 39 Breakout 40
Room Room 104 Room 108 Room 103 Room 101 Room 107 Room 102 Room 105 Room 106
Facilitator Lixia Qu Jade Purtell David Ansell Jennifer Baxter Rebecca Jenkinson Karen Broadley Kelly Hand Karen Field
Family law

Transforming policy reforms into practice in the statutory family – a case study of Victorian leaving care initiatives


Working together: Government, Philanthropy and Research: The Early Years Initiative in Western Australia


Fathers at work

Young people and technology Child protection systems
Symposium panel

“Are we even studying families anymore?” How longitudinal studies can help us to understand contemporary families: What are the emerging opportunities and the challenges we face?


Reforming Family Violence service provision through co-production and recovery oriented service models


0930 The intersection of family violence and Family Dispute Resolution: Implications for practice
Joe Harman
Symposium outline

Phillip Mendes
Symposium outline

Symposium outline

Out of the dark: Harnessing the views of young people to improve online safety
Carol Ronken
Towards a comprehensive model of child protection system change
Ilan Katz
Symposium outline

Liz Allen
Australian National University

Tim Reddel
Department of Social Services
Mark Wooden
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, University of Melbourne
Diana Warren
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Workshop outline


Karen Field
Beth McCann iHeal team member
Chaka Johnson iHeal Recovery Support Worker
Amuna Abdella iHeal Case Coordinator
0950 What matters to families at FMC: Medium and longer term outcomes for Family Dispute Resolution clients
Becky Batagol
Government Action
Vicki Jack
The impact of change and stability in fathers’ work-family conflict on children’s mental health
Liana Leach
LSAC goes online – Improving engagement with young people through digital channels
Katrina Martin
Empowering families through greater transparency, accountability and fairness in child protection proceedings: a 21st century approach to child protection litigation?
Nigel Miller
1010 Rethinking confidentiality, the wicked problem and the absent moral debate; Lessons from FRC’s, the Canadian experience, restorative and innovative justice
Ian Connop
Business and Philanthropy
Hayley Panetta
Job quality, change and stability in work-family conflict and fathers’ mental health
Amanda Cooklin
What’s in a game?
Megan Carroll
Working with families – 3 practice-based approaches for child protection
Jack Davenport
1030 Findings from the children and young people in separated families study
Rachel Carson
The father effect – Advancing men taking parental leave in Australia
Emma Walsh
Parenting in digital age: Lessons from Australian families
Bjorn Nansen
Cross-agency responses to the investigation of severe child abuse: A national comparison
James Herbert
1050 Session reflections
1100 Morning tea
1115 Breakout 41 Breakout 42 Breakout 43 Breakout 44 Breakout 45 Breakout 46 Breakout 47 Breakout 48
Room Room 105 Room 101 Room 102 Room 106 Room 107 Room 103 Room 104 Room 108
Facilitator Brian Babington Jamie Lee Sue West Rebecca Jenkinson Megan Carroll Nadine Liddy Heather Nancarrow Stewart Muir

Using people-centered evidence to shape policy strategy and implementation: new approaches to data analysis and stakeholder co-design from the Department of Social Services


Harnessing workhorses or herding cats? Collaborating across the Relationships Australia Federation to research what matters most to families


Parents as partners in place based initiatives

Policy considerations Child development

Young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Australia: facilitating their active citizenship


Domestic, family and sexual violence in the family law system: Reflections and future directions


Research with children and young people

1115 Symposium outline

Symposium outline

Symposium outline

Implementing no jab, no pay
Ilan Katz
Stability and change in dietary scores and patterns across six waves of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Constantine Gasser
Symposium outline

Symposium outline

Transitioning to life after out-of-home care: The Beyond 18 study
Jade Purtell, Stewart Muir
1135 Family functioning and children’s outcomes
Tim Crosier, Grey Robertson
Thirty years of community sector property Family Dispute Resolution – a mature, safe, effective, efficient and evidence-based service
Genevieve Heard
Child and family centres—parents as partners in co-design and delivery of services
M’Lynda Stubbs
Targeting children: Restricting gambling promotions by adapting lessons from tobacco, alcohol, and food
Cassandra de Lacy-Vawdon
Developmental vulnerabilities in children of criminally convicted parents
Megan Bell
English language proficiency among humanitarian youth: A longitudinal study
Pilar Rioseco
Representation in family law proceedings involving family violence
Jane Wangmann
Does payment influence children’s participation in research? Results from the MESSI study
Stephanie Taplin
1155 Place-based approaches to disadvantage
Phil Brown
How effective is routine couple counselling? An Australian effectiveness study
Jemima Petch
Go Goldfields – Parents as active governance partners – what does it take?
Sandra Hamilton
The 2018 ARACY Report Card: The wellbeing of young Australians
Kate Sollis
Investing in family strengths-based programs to keep vulnerable families together
Elizabeth Whittaker
Refugee young people and education, training and employment
Helena DeAnstiss
Trends in service integration to address family violence
Antonia Quadara
Children participating in research: Experiencing from the Children and Young People in Separated Families Study
Rachel Carson
1215 Challenges, opportunities and implications: Early lessons from Try, Test and Learn investments
Tim Reddel
Relationships Australia’s Elder Relationship Services trial
Paula Mance

Jamie Lee
Rowena Butler
Level of marriage preparedness of couples in Singapore
Yolanda Chin, Teh Yi Ying
The influence of parental time investments on children’s cognitive and socioemotional outcomes at school entry
Angela Gialamas, Dandara Haag, Murthy Mittinty, John Lynch
Mohammad Javir

Nadine Liddy
The impact of domestic violence on parenting
Cathy Humphreys
Towards protective participation: Improving children’s safety through their meaningful engagement in institutional contexts
Tim Moore
1235 Session reflections
1245 Lunch: poster displays and exhibition
1245 Lunchtime presentation
Room Room 103
How can research be made relevant?Rebecca Armstrong, Tim Reddel, Sue West, Vita Maiorano
Room Room 104
Families of tomorrow: Readying services for the futureTamara White, Centre for Family Research and Evaluation
Room Room 105/106
1345 Panel: Is It time for a new conversation about “family”?
Panellists: Jonathan Nicholas, Romlie Mokak, Nora Spinks, Benjamin Law, Jamila Rizvi
Facilitator: Madonna King
1515 Conference reflections
1530 Conference Close