Conference Logistics

Our ethical standards

The team at Conlog are committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner both in terms of how we operate our business and in the planning and organisation of events by supporting green meeting practices.

Our Environmental Policy

We understand and recognise the impact the events industry has globally on our environment, in terms of the use of resources, travel, consumables and other, and we continue to seek ways in which to improve sustainability and mitigate our carbon footprint.

Conference Logistics is an ACTSmart Business and is an ACT Government accredited recycler.

How do we do this?

  • Recycled paper is used in our office
  • All documents are printed double-sided where possible
  • We minimise the volume of printed materials, and encourage electronic documents where possible
  • We encourage our clients to consider the ‘green policies’ of venues when planning a conference
  • We work with our clients to develop e-marketing strategies
  • We promote the conference website as your conference’s primary marketing tool