0800 |
Registration opens |
0830 |
Room |
Room 106 |
Room 105 |
Facilitator |
Madonna King |
Anne Hollonds |
Review of the family law system: Issues and opportunities – Professor Helen Rhoades |
Nudges uncovered: Can behavioural insights contribute to our understanding of “What matters most to families in the 21st century”?
Dr David Halpern, Dr Nicholas Gruen, Sam Hannah-Rankin |
0930 |
Breakout 33 |
Breakout 34 |
Breakout 35 |
Breakout 36 |
Breakout 37 |
Breakout 38 |
Breakout 39 |
Breakout 40 |
Room |
Room 104 |
Room 108 |
Room 103 |
Room 101 |
Room 107 |
Room 102 |
Room 105 |
Room 106 |
Facilitator |
Lixia Qu |
Jade Purtell |
David Ansell |
Jennifer Baxter |
Rebecca Jenkinson |
Karen Broadley |
Kelly Hand |
Karen Field |
Family law |
Transforming policy reforms into practice in the statutory family – a case study of Victorian leaving care initiatives |
Working together: Government, Philanthropy and Research: The Early Years Initiative in Western Australia
Fathers at work |
Young people and technology |
Child protection systems |
“Are we even studying families anymore?” How longitudinal studies can help us to understand contemporary families: What are the emerging opportunities and the challenges we face? |
Reforming Family Violence service provision through co-production and recovery oriented service models
0930 |
The intersection of family violence and Family Dispute Resolution: Implications for practice
Joe Harman |
Symposium outline
Phillip Mendes
Symposium outline
Symposium outline
Out of the dark: Harnessing the views of young people to improve online safety
Carol Ronken |
Towards a comprehensive model of child protection system change
Ilan Katz |
Symposium outline
Liz Allen
Australian National University
Tim Reddel
Department of Social Services
Mark Wooden
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, University of Melbourne
Diana Warren
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Workshop outline
Karen Field
Beth McCann iHeal team member
Chaka Johnson iHeal Recovery Support Worker
Amuna Abdella iHeal Case Coordinator
0950 |
What matters to families at FMC: Medium and longer term outcomes for Family Dispute Resolution clients
Becky Batagol |
Government Action
Vicki Jack |
The impact of change and stability in fathers’ work-family conflict on children’s mental health
Liana Leach |
LSAC goes online – Improving engagement with young people through digital channels
Katrina Martin |
Empowering families through greater transparency, accountability and fairness in child protection proceedings: a 21st century approach to child protection litigation?
Nigel Miller |
1010 |
Rethinking confidentiality, the wicked problem and the absent moral debate; Lessons from FRC’s, the Canadian experience, restorative and innovative justice
Ian Connop |
Business and Philanthropy
Hayley Panetta |
Job quality, change and stability in work-family conflict and fathers’ mental health
Amanda Cooklin |
What’s in a game?
Megan Carroll |
Working with families – 3 practice-based approaches for child protection
Jack Davenport |
1030 |
Findings from the children and young people in separated families study
Rachel Carson |
The father effect – Advancing men taking parental leave in Australia
Emma Walsh |
Parenting in digital age: Lessons from Australian families
Bjorn Nansen |
Cross-agency responses to the investigation of severe child abuse: A national comparison
James Herbert |
1050 |
Session reflections |
1100 |
Morning tea |
1115 |
Breakout 41 |
Breakout 42 |
Breakout 43 |
Breakout 44 |
Breakout 45 |
Breakout 46 |
Breakout 47 |
Breakout 48 |
Room |
Room 105 |
Room 101 |
Room 102 |
Room 106 |
Room 107 |
Room 103 |
Room 104 |
Room 108 |
Facilitator |
Brian Babington |
Jamie Lee |
Sue West |
Rebecca Jenkinson |
Megan Carroll |
Nadine Liddy |
Heather Nancarrow |
Stewart Muir |
Using people-centered evidence to shape policy strategy and implementation: new approaches to data analysis and stakeholder co-design from the Department of Social Services
Harnessing workhorses or herding cats? Collaborating across the Relationships Australia Federation to research what matters most to families |
Parents as partners in place based initiatives |
Policy considerations |
Child development |
Young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Australia: facilitating their active citizenship |
Domestic, family and sexual violence in the family law system: Reflections and future directions
Research with children and young people |
1115 |
Symposium outline
Symposium outline
Symposium outline
Implementing no jab, no pay
Ilan Katz |
Stability and change in dietary scores and patterns across six waves of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
Constantine Gasser |
Symposium outline
Symposium outline
Transitioning to life after out-of-home care: The Beyond 18 study
Jade Purtell, Stewart Muir |
1135 |
Family functioning and children’s outcomes
Tim Crosier, Grey Robertson |
Thirty years of community sector property Family Dispute Resolution – a mature, safe, effective, efficient and evidence-based service
Genevieve Heard |
Child and family centres—parents as partners in co-design and delivery of services
M’Lynda Stubbs |
Targeting children: Restricting gambling promotions by adapting lessons from tobacco, alcohol, and food
Cassandra de Lacy-Vawdon |
Developmental vulnerabilities in children of criminally convicted parents
Megan Bell |
English language proficiency among humanitarian youth: A longitudinal study
Pilar Rioseco |
Representation in family law proceedings involving family violence
Jane Wangmann |
Does payment influence children’s participation in research? Results from the MESSI study
Stephanie Taplin |
1155 |
Place-based approaches to disadvantage
Phil Brown |
How effective is routine couple counselling? An Australian effectiveness study
Jemima Petch |
Go Goldfields – Parents as active governance partners – what does it take?
Sandra Hamilton |
The 2018 ARACY Report Card: The wellbeing of young Australians
Kate Sollis |
Investing in family strengths-based programs to keep vulnerable families together
Elizabeth Whittaker |
Refugee young people and education, training and employment
Helena DeAnstiss |
Trends in service integration to address family violence
Antonia Quadara |
Children participating in research: Experiencing from the Children and Young People in Separated Families Study
Rachel Carson |
1215 |
Challenges, opportunities and implications: Early lessons from Try, Test and Learn investments
Tim Reddel |
Relationships Australia’s Elder Relationship Services trial
Paula Mance
Jamie Lee
Rowena Butler |
Level of marriage preparedness of couples in Singapore
Yolanda Chin, Teh Yi Ying |
The influence of parental time investments on children’s cognitive and socioemotional outcomes at school entry
Angela Gialamas, Dandara Haag, Murthy Mittinty, John Lynch |
Mohammad Javir
Nadine Liddy
The impact of domestic violence on parenting
Cathy Humphreys |
Towards protective participation: Improving children’s safety through their meaningful engagement in institutional contexts
Tim Moore |
1235 |
Session reflections |
1245 |
Lunch: poster displays and exhibition |
1245 |
Lunchtime presentation |
Room |
Room 103 |
How can research be made relevant? – Rebecca Armstrong, Tim Reddel, Sue West, Vita Maiorano |
Room |
Room 104 |
Families of tomorrow: Readying services for the future – Tamara White, Centre for Family Research and Evaluation |
1345 |
Room |
Room 105/106 |
1345 |
Panel: Is It time for a new conversation about “family”?
Panellists: Jonathan Nicholas, Romlie Mokak, Nora Spinks, Benjamin Law, Jamila Rizvi
Facilitator: Madonna King |
1515 |
Conference reflections |
1530 |
Conference Close |